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Teaching Experience


I have extensive teaching experience at the graduate and undergraduate levels, both in substantive topics and in research methods for the social sciences. While a graduate student at the University of Michigan, I have designed and taught summer courses in international relations, comparative politics, quantitative methods, and computational programming and served as a Math Camp instructor for the incoming cohort of Ph.D. students. Additionally, I have served as a Graduate Student Instructor for six full-term classes in the Department of Political Science. 


I have mentored, provided research assistance, and worked with undergraduate and Master's degree students through various projects at the University of Michigan. 


Teaching Interests


I am interested in designing and teaching courses related to international relations, comparative politics, political violence, the political economy of development, Eurasian politics, quantitative and computational methods, and causal inference. Please email me for syllabi, teaching notes, and course evaluations.




Courses Designed and Taught:


I have served as the Instructor of Record for the following courses at Vanderbilt University (Assistant Professor):


  • Statistics for Political Research II

​      Winter 2023


  • Data Science Ethics, Rights and Responsibilities

​      Winter 2023


I have served as the Instructor of Record for the following courses at the University of Pennsylvania (Post-doc):


  • Introduction to Data Science

​      Summer 2023


I have served as the Instructor of Record for the following courses at the University of Michigan (Ph.D. Student):


  • Introduction to International Relations

​      Spring 2022


  • Math Camp for Incoming Graduate Students

​      Summer 2019



  • POLSCI 389: Political Violence and its Legacies

       Summer 2019


  • POLSCI 300: Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods and Programming

       Spring 2019



  • POLSCI 389: Asymmetric Wars: Insurgents, Terrorists, and Civilians

       Summer 2018




Courses Taught:


I have served as the Graduate Student Instructor for the following courses at the University of Michigan:


  • (G) POLSCI 799: Advanced Quantitative Empirical Methods | Walter Mebane

       Fall 2021​



       Fall 2016, Fall 2018



  • (G) Political Science Computer Lab

       Fall 2017, Winter 2018


  • (U) POLSCI 300: Empirical Quantitative Methods of Political Science | Rocio Titiunik

       Winter 2017






       Fall 2019, Winter 2020, Fall 2020, Winter 2021, Fall 2021, Winter 2022 


  • (U) UROP: Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program

       Fall 2019, Winter 2020, Fall 2020, Winter 2021, Fall 2021



University of Michigan

Department of Political Science

Department of Statistics

Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering (MICDE)

© 2020 by Roya Talibova

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